Article: The Synergic Effect of Atomic Hydrogen Adsorption and Catalyst Spreading on Ge Nanowire Growth Orientation and Kinking
Nanostructures made of semiconducting materials are commonly prepared using two deposition techniques, either from the gas phase (called chemical vapor deposition, CVD) or solid phase (molecular beam epitaxy, MBE). The growth of semiconducting one-dimensional nanostructures (nanowires) was previously succesfully demonstrated utilizing both approaches, however, yielding different results in terms of nanowire morphology and growth direction. In our contribution, utilizing real time electron microscopy and spectroscopy experiments during growth, the team led by Miroslav Kolibal from CEITEC shows that the main difference between the two growth techniques is the presence of atomic hydrogen in the environment. Their results pave the way for manipulating the growth direction of semiconducting nanowires, which is a key step towards their implementaion into future 3D nanoelectronics.
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