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Akce 49

Online Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series: Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

From apparent temperature to fully self-calibrated Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy …

Alessandro De Giacomo
Alessandro De Giacomo
Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Italy
3. 12. 2024 13:00 - 14:30

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Seminar Series Online

AMN Seminar Series: Advances in Magneto-Ionics and Electric…

Enric Menéndez Dalmau Prof. Menéndez's research benefits from national and…

Jordi Sort and Enric Menéndez
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
16. 9. 2024 12:00 - 13:30

Veřejnost Testbed

MSV 2023: Prohlídky RICAIP Testbed Brno – podpora…

Součástí veletrhu je doprovodný program složený z odborných konferencí, seminářů a…

RICAIP Testbed Brno
RICAIP Testbed Brno
CEITEC Vysoké učení technické v Brně
10. - 11. 10. 2023

651/139, Purkyňova, 612 00 Brno (hala…
Seminar Series Přednáška

AMN Seminar Series: Soft Multi-Electrode Arrays for Bi…

The intricacies of neural tissues pose significant challenges to electrophysiological…

Prof. Yael Hanein
Prof. Yael Hanein
14. 2022 13:00 - 14:30

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…
Přednáška Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2023: Optimizing Structural and…

For optimizing steady-state performance in organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs),…

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
31. 8. 2023 10:00 - 11:30

CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S,…

CEITEC Vánoční workshop

Tradiční vánoční workshop pro všechny zaměstnance CEITEC, na kterém si společně…

10. 12. 2019 16:30

Hvězdárna a planetárium Brno

Noc vědců 2019: Šetrně k planetě

Přijďte si užít noc plnou vědy na CEITEC Masarykova univerzita a Vysoké učení…

27. 9. 2019 18:00

CEITEC MU (Univerzitní kampus Bohunice,…

JIC 120 sekund: Digitalizace ve výrobě s využitím umělé…

Využití umělé inteligence, strojového učení, hlubokého učení a neuronových sítí je dalším…

20. 6. 2019

JIC Brno, Purkyňova 649/127

Live Cell Imaging 2019

The course is practical, selective, 3-day, 12-15 participants, covering advanced…

12. - 14. 6. 2019

IMG CAS Prague
Přednáška Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2019: How the muscles in the body…

How the muscles in the body develop their orientation Formation of oriented myofibrils…

Assoc. Prof. Igor ADAMEYKO
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
2. 4. 2019 10:00 - 11:00

CEITEC BUT, Large meeting room …

Calibration Standards for Quantitative Magnetic Force…

Calibration Standards for Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy - Chances and Pitfalls …

DI Dr. Marek Havlicek
25. 3. 2019 09:15 - 10:00

Seminar room 7108, Czech Metrology…

Workshop and a User-Meeting on correlative Raman imaging

New perspectives in chemical analysis with correlative 3D Raman imaging It gives…

5. - 6. 2. 2019

Přednáška Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2018: 3D Bioprinting: The Intersection…

3D Bioprinting: The Intersection of Engineering and Medicine Recent breakthroughs…

Prof. David HAHN
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Florida
5. 6. 2018 10:00 - 12:00

CEITEC VUT, velká zasedací místnost S2…
Přednáška Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2018: Endohedral Fullerenes as Molecular…

Endohedral Fullerenes as Molecular Qubits Quantum computation could outperform classical…

Dr. ShangDa Jiang
College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
29. 5. 2018 10:00 - 12:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room

Přednáška prof. Reshef Tenne z Weizmann Institute of…

Inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles at the crossroad between materials…

prof. Reshef Tenne
23. 4. 2018 14:00 - 15:00

CEITEC VUT, velká zasedací místnost S2…

Magnetisation manipulation with light and electrons femto-…


prof. Stéphane Mangin (Institut Jean Lamour, UMR CNRS 7198, Université de…
3. 4. 2018 13:00 - 14:00

CEITEC VUT, velká zasedací místnost S2…

AMN Seminar Series 2018: Influence of disorder on domain…

Influence of disorder on domain wall dynamics in CoFeB-MgO structures with perpendicular…

Dr. Dafiné Ravelosona
Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (C2N), Université Paris Sud, CNRS, France
3. 4. 2018 10:00 - 11:00

CEITEC BUT, Large Meeting Room
Přednáška Seminar Series

AMN Seminar Series 2018: Advances in PELDOR methodology and…

Advances in PELDOR methodology and applications Pulsed Electron-electron Double…

Dr. Andriy Marko
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Göethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
30. 1. 2018 10:00

Workshop CorreScopy (Correlative Imaging)

WHEN: 3rd November 2017 WHERE: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting…

3. 11. 2017


Biomacromolecular Crystallization Workshop

WHEN: October 23–26, 2017 WHERE: room 211, A35 (lectures) and room 223, A4 …

23. - 26. 10. 2017

Workshops "Nanoindentation" and AFM - September 2017

When: 11.–15.9.2017 Where: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting room -…

11. - 15. 9. 2017


Lecture: Simple conformational search methods for…

WHEN: September 8, 2017 at 11:00 WHERE: room 211, building A35, University Campus…

8. 9. 2017

Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series 2017

WHEN? 21. 6. 2017 (Wednesday), 13:00 WHERE? Purkynova 123, Seminar room S2.02 …

21. 6. 2017

Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Seminar Series

WHO? Dr. Matteo Mannini WHAT ABOUT? Exploring properties of magnetic molecules on…

4. 5. 2017


Life Sciences Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Axel Meyer University of Konstanz, Germany TOPIC: Genomics of…

13. 4. 2017


CEITEC Nano Open day for Academic users

WHEN: 28th March 2017 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Nano Laboratories, Purkynova 123,…

28. 3. 2017


Life Sciences Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Viktor Jirsa Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes,  Aix-Marseille…

9. 3. 2017


Lecture: Nanocomposites and nanomaterials from cellulose

SPEAKER: Prof. Lars Berglund (KTH Royal Inst of Techn, Stockholm, Sweden) TOPIC:…

31. 1. 2017


CEITEC Nano User Meeting

WHEN: December 1, 2016, from 8:30 WHERE: CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure …

1. 12. 2016


Lecture Guided Nanowires: New Building Blocks for Self…

SPEAKER: Ernesto Joselevich from Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel …

30. 11. 2016

Scientific Communication and Public Engagement Course

WHERE: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 5, Brno, Building A35, Room 211 WHEN: November 24, 2016…

24. - 25. 11. 2016

Life Sciences Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Javier F. Caceres MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and…

24. 11. 2016


Den národních výzkumných infrastruktur

KDY: 3. listopadu 2016 KDE: ELI Beamlines / Dolní Břežany Hlavní cíle: …

3. 11. 2016


Guest Lecture

SPEAKER: Dr. Thomas Leonard, Universität Wien, MFPL TOPIC: PI(3,4,5)P3 and PI(3…

27. 10. 2016


Structural Validation Workshop

WHEN:October 17–19, 2016, from 9:00 WHERE: A35/211 Univeristy Campus Bohunice…

17. - 19. 10. 2016


SEMINÁŘ Standardizovaná a optimalizovaná mnohobarevná…

KDY: 5. října 2016 KDE: CEITEC, areál Kamenice 753/5, Bohunice, Brno, budova A35…

5. 10. 2016


Workshop Live cell to model organisms: high speed imaging…

WHERE: room 117, building A3, University Campus, (Hands On workshop - building A2;…

20. - 22. 9. 2016


Czech Chemical Society Lectures

SPEAKERS: Prof. P. Hubert Mutin (Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, France) …

12. 5. 2016


Deconstructing the cell wall polysaccharide matrix of the…

SPEAKER: Markéta Šámalová (Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Institut…

9. 5. 2016


Life Science Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Filippo Drago Department of Biomedical and…

14. 4. 2016


Hands-on Workshop ITC & DSC Calorimetry

Core Facility Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallization invites you to the…

9. - 10. 3. 2016


Life Science Seminar Series

SPEAKER: Vladimir Katanaev Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne,…

25. 2. 2016

Life Sciences Seminar Series - Carsten T. Wotjak

WHEN: December 17, 2015, from 16:00 WHERE: Seminar room 132, pavilion A11,…

17. 12. 2015

5th MST Symposium & Workshop- East

WHEN: November 12th - 13th 20152 WHERE: Lectures - A26/2.22, Experimental part - A4…

12. 11. 2015

EMBO Practical Course - Insights into plant biological…

WHEN: September 13 - 19, 2015 WHERE: Department of Plant Systems Biology, …

13. - 19. 9. 2015

Application for the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials …

WHEN: 22 - 26 June, 2015 WHERE: South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC),…

22. - 26. 6. 2015

Seminář Začínáme s počítačovým viděním na platformě…

Centrum pro rozvoj výzkumu pokročilých řídicích a senzorických technologií si Vás…

11. 12. 2014

Structural Biology Seminar Series: RNA-guided DNA cleavage:…

You are cordially invited to the lecture "RNA-guided DNA cleavage: mechanistic…

24. 4. 2014

SYLICA Lecture: Biomolecular Diagnostics - Optical or by…

You are cordially invited to the lecture "Biomolecular Diagnostics – Optical or…

4. 12. 2013

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