From apparent temperature to fully self-calibrated Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy …
Enric Menéndez Dalmau Prof. Menéndez's research benefits from national and…
Součástí veletrhu je doprovodný program složený z odborných konferencí, seminářů a…
The intricacies of neural tissues pose significant challenges to electrophysiological…
For optimizing steady-state performance in organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs),…
Tradiční vánoční workshop pro všechny zaměstnance CEITEC, na kterém si společně…
Přijďte si užít noc plnou vědy na CEITEC Masarykova univerzita a Vysoké učení…
Využití umělé inteligence, strojového učení, hlubokého učení a neuronových sítí je dalším…
The course is practical, selective, 3-day, 12-15 participants, covering advanced…
How the muscles in the body develop their orientation Formation of oriented myofibrils…
Calibration Standards for Quantitative Magnetic Force Microscopy - Chances and Pitfalls …
New perspectives in chemical analysis with correlative 3D Raman imaging It gives…
3D Bioprinting: The Intersection of Engineering and Medicine Recent breakthroughs…
Endohedral Fullerenes as Molecular Qubits Quantum computation could outperform classical…
Inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles at the crossroad between materials…
Influence of disorder on domain wall dynamics in CoFeB-MgO structures with perpendicular…
Advances in PELDOR methodology and applications Pulsed Electron-electron Double…
WHEN: 3rd November 2017 WHERE: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting…
WHEN: October 23–26, 2017 WHERE: room 211, A35 (lectures) and room 223, A4 …
When: 11.–15.9.2017 Where: CEITEC Nano RI, Purkyňova 123, Bulding C, Meeting room -…
WHEN: September 8, 2017 at 11:00 WHERE: room 211, building A35, University Campus…
WHEN? 21. 6. 2017 (Wednesday), 13:00 WHERE? Purkynova 123, Seminar room S2.02 …
WHO? Dr. Matteo Mannini WHAT ABOUT? Exploring properties of magnetic molecules on…
SPEAKER: Axel Meyer University of Konstanz, Germany TOPIC: Genomics of…
WHEN: 28th March 2017 WHERE: CEITEC BUT, Nano Laboratories, Purkynova 123,…
SPEAKER: Viktor Jirsa Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, Aix-Marseille…
SPEAKER: Prof. Lars Berglund (KTH Royal Inst of Techn, Stockholm, Sweden) TOPIC:…
WHEN: December 1, 2016, from 8:30 WHERE: CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure …
SPEAKER: Ernesto Joselevich from Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel …
WHERE: CEITEC MU, Kamenice 5, Brno, Building A35, Room 211 WHEN: November 24, 2016…
SPEAKER: Javier F. Caceres MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and…
KDY: 3. listopadu 2016 KDE: ELI Beamlines / Dolní Břežany Hlavní cíle: …
SPEAKER: Dr. Thomas Leonard, Universität Wien, MFPL TOPIC: PI(3,4,5)P3 and PI(3…
WHEN:October 17–19, 2016, from 9:00 WHERE: A35/211 Univeristy Campus Bohunice…
KDY: 5. října 2016 KDE: CEITEC, areál Kamenice 753/5, Bohunice, Brno, budova A35…
WHERE: room 117, building A3, University Campus, (Hands On workshop - building A2;…
SPEAKERS: Prof. P. Hubert Mutin (Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, France) …
SPEAKER: Markéta Šámalová (Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Institut…
SPEAKER: Filippo Drago Department of Biomedical and…
Core Facility Biomolecular Interactions and Crystallization invites you to the…
SPEAKER: Vladimir Katanaev Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne,…
WHEN: December 17, 2015, from 16:00 WHERE: Seminar room 132, pavilion A11,…
WHEN: November 12th - 13th 20152 WHERE: Lectures - A26/2.22, Experimental part - A4…
WHEN: September 13 - 19, 2015 WHERE: Department of Plant Systems Biology, …
WHEN: 22 - 26 June, 2015 WHERE: South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC),…
Centrum pro rozvoj výzkumu pokročilých řídicích a senzorických technologií si Vás…
You are cordially invited to the lecture "RNA-guided DNA cleavage: mechanistic…
You are cordially invited to the lecture "Biomolecular Diagnostics – Optical or…