O CEITECUCo je CEITECVize a miseStrategie centraManagement CEITECuVýroční zprávaVÝZKUMPokročilé nano a mikrotechnologiePokročilé materiályStrukturní biologieGenomika a proteomika rostlinných…
AbstractMagnesium, as a biodegradable metal, offers great potential for use as a temporary implant material, which dissolves in the course of bone tissue healing. It can sufficiently support the bone…
17. - 23. 3. 2018Many lectures and excursions were helt by companies, scientific research facilities and universities in Brno featuring in electron microscopy. CEITEC participated by several open…
Gabriel Demo CEITEC, Masaryk University Kamenice 5 Brno, 625 00, Czech Republic Office: building A35/1S155 E-mail: gabriel.demo@ceitec.muni.cz Phone: +420 549 497 756 …
2021 Houser, J; Kosourova, J; Kubickova, M; Wimmerova, M, 2021:…
11. 5. 2018In this event, organised as a part of a 100 years celebration of the existence of independent Czech state, the visitors and participants could meet scientists, popularizing scientists…
New article content. 2020 Pokorný, T.;…
Designated crossing points at internal bordersThe measure concerns the land borders with Germany and Austria and the air borders and is in force until April 4th, 2020 23:59 with the possibility of…
Technologie / Metodologie:Charakterizace a interakce biomolekulUmístění přístroje:CEITEC MU, budova A4, místnost 2.18Výzkumná skupina:Sdílená laboratoř Interakce a krystalizace…