5th MST Symposium & Workshop- East

O akci

WHEN: November 12th - 13th 20152
WHERE: Lectures - A26/2.22, Experimental part - A4/2.18, 2.19

Registration form HERE

Thursday, November 12th

08:00 am Registration
09:00 am

Opening remarks and Introduction to MST 

Dr. Piotr Wardega, NanoTemper Technologies

09:30 am Guest Speaker - Professor Michaela Wimmerova, CEITEC, Brno
10:00 am Coffee Break
10:30 am 

Guest Speaker - Professor Bohdan Schneider,

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

11:00 am  User's Discuss samples with Application Specialists
12:00 pm Lunch Break
1:00 pm Experimental work on user samples / demo samples
6:00 pm Poster session + open bar & snacks

  Friday, November 13th

09:00 am 

Presentation MicroScale Thermophoresis Data Analysis                 

Dr. David Witte, NanoTemper Technologies

09:30 am  

High Precision Protein Stability Assessment by nanoDSF

& Diverse Interactions Kinetics by Surface Acoustic Wave

Dr. Piotr Wardega & Dr. Marek Zurawski, 

NanoTemper Technologies

10:00 am   Coffee Break
10:30 am Experimental work on user samples
12:00 pm Lunch Break
1:30 pm  Experimental Work
4:00 pm  Wrap up and Concluding Remarks
5:00 pm MST Symposium & Workshop End

Contact person: Mgr. Jitka Zdanska or Prof. Michaela Wimmerová
e-mail jitka.zdanska@ceitec.muni.cz  or  michaela.wimmerova@ceitec.muni.cz
phone +420 549 492 527

Programme to download HERE       







