O akci
For optimizing steady-state performance in organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), both molecular design and structural alignment approaches must work in tandem to minimize energetic and microstructural disorders in polymeric mixed ionic-electronic conductor films. In this research, a series of organic mixed ionic-electronic mixed conductors (OIECs) bearing various lengths of aliphatic–glycol hybrid side chains are developed to achieve high-performance p-type OECTs. An OMIEC with the optimized length of side chains exhibits excellent crystallinity owing to enhanced lamellar and backbone interactions. Furthermore, the improved structural ordering significantly decreases trap state density and energetic disorder. Consequently, the resultant OECT devices produce a mobility–volumetric capacitance product ([μC*]) over 700 F V−1 cm−1 s−1. Finally, for the optimal structural ordering along the OECT channel direction, a floating film transfer method is employed to reinforce the unidirectional orientation of polymer chains, leading to the substantially increased figure-of-merit [μC*] to over 800 F V−1 cm−1 s−1. Our research demonstrates the importance of side chain engineering of polymeric mixed ionic–electronic conductors in conjunction with their anisotropic microstructural optimization to maximize OECT characteristics.