Seminar Series Přednáška

AMN Seminar Series: Soft Multi-Electrode Arrays for Bi-Directional Electrophysiological Exploration of the Intact Retina

O akci

The intricacies of neural tissues pose significant challenges to electrophysiological investigations of intact neural circuits. When it comes to the retina in its intact form, achieving bi-directional electrophysiological interfacing becomes especially intricate and currently lacks a viable method. In this presentation, I introduce a new approach utilizing innovative soft multi-electrode array for accomplishing bi-directional electrophysiological studies on the intact retina. Our work involved the development and thorough testing of soft electrode arrays specially designed to establish stable electrical connections with the retina. These soft probes were crafted to conform to the curvature of the retinal structure within the eye, thereby offering an unprecedented avenue to study the retina in its unaltered state. Importantly, we demonstrate, for the first time, the concurrent capabilities of electrical recording and stimulation directly from the intact retina. Of particular significance is our achievement in mapping retina responses to electrical stimulation. This unveiling of the retina's responses under electrical stimuli reveals remarkable stability, both in direct and indirect responses, in stark contrast to ex-vivo conditions. Our findings suggest a compelling scenario wherein intact retinas exhibit superior stability and resilience compared to their ex-vivo counterparts, rendering them a more suitable substrate for effectively mapping responses to electrical stimulation. These results not only expands our understanding of intact neural circuits but also open up new avenues for innovative research in the field.


14. 2022, 13:00 - 14:30
Přidat do mého kalendáře


Prof. Yael Hanein
Prof. Yael Hanein


CEITEC, Purkyňova 123, Building S, Meeting room – S2.02