
CEITEC Nano User Meeting

O akci

WHEN: December 1, 2016, from 8:30
WHERE: CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure (buildings C+S), Purkyňova 123, 612 00 Brno

Registration and more information HERE

Final programme:

8:30–9:10 Registration – Hallway Building "C"
Conference Room - Building "S"
Opening word
Miroslav Kolíbal: Auger Electron Microscopy at CEITEC
Zbyněk Novotný: Model catalytic oxide systems: from clusters to single atoms)
10:45–11:15 Coffee Break
11:15–12:00 Panel discussion + user comittee election Conference Room – Building "S"
12:00–13:00 Lunch buffet – Building "C, 1st Floor"
13:00–15:00 Lab tours & demonstrations - Building "C, 2nd Floor"
15:00–17:00 Poster session – Building "C, 1st Floor"
17:15 Best poster & Best image Award ceremony – Building "C, 1st Floor"
17:30 Banquet – Building "C, 1st Floor"

