O akci
The topic of the workshop is the characterization of synthetic and natural macromolecules with a focus on chromatographic methods. It is intended for both beginners and advanced users or anyone who is interested in this topic.
*** The workshop will also be delivered online - registration is required ***
Registration: 9:30 – 10:00
Coffee break: 9:30 – 10:00
I. Lecture block:
10:00 Lucy Vojtová (CEITEC VUT Brno) - Characterization of biopolymer matrices in the AT-CZ bilateral project Techbikom (20 min)
10:20 Franz Zeppetzauer (Wood K plus - Kompetenzzentrum Holz GmbH, Austria) - Antioxidant activity and characterization of Picea abies bark extracts
10:45 Štěpán Podzimek (Wyatt Technology and SYNPO Pardubice) - The Applications of Light Scattering for the Characterization of Synthetic and Natural Polymers
11:20 Libor Kostka (ÚMCH AV Praha) - Water-soluble drug delivery carriers and their proper characterization
Lunch 11:45 – 12:35 (50 min.)
II. Lecture block:
12:35 Michal Kalina (FCH VUT Brno) - Characterization of molecular weight and conformation of soluble fractions of natural organic matter isolated from soils and sediments
13:00 Jana Brtníková (CEITEC VUT Brno) - Possibilities of using SEC-MALS for the characterization of synthetic and natural molecules (15 min)
13:15 Pavel Šmejda (PerkinElmer) - Using of MS detector in GC: principle and application (25 min)
13:40 Jana Brtníková (CEITEC VUT Brno) - Possibilities of using GC-MS with HeadSpace for the characterization of synthetic and natural molecules (15 min)
Coffee break: 13:55 – 14:10 (15 min.)
14:10 1. Tour of the chromatography laboratory CEITEC Nano (25 min) – room B2.19
14:35 2. Tour of the chromatography laboratory CEITEC Nano (25 min) – room B2.19
14:50 3. Tour of the chromatography laboratory CEITEC Nano (25 min) – room B2.19