EMBO Practical Course - Insights into plant biological processes through phenotyping

O akci

WHEN: September 13 - 19, 2015
WHERE: Department of Plant Systems Biology, VIB-Ghent University Technologiepark, 927 9052 Ghent, Belgium

Phenotyping is an important part of research on plant biological processes, and is used in both forward and reverse genetic approaches to obtain fundamental insights or advance crop improvement. This EMBO Practical Course will discuss and demonstrate the multiple and diverse aspects of plant phenotyping, covering the cell to whole plant scale, and including growth-related, as well as physiological and performance-related plant traits. The practical sessions will comprise the measurement of these traits by means of simple and advanced imaging techniques and image analysis. Phenotyping systems developed for in vitro Arabidopsis growth to crops grown in field trials will be discussed, including the plant's interaction with environmental conditions in the atmosphere and soil. Common pitfalls in the setup of phenotyping systems and the analysis of phenotypic trait data will be covered. Through hands-on-experience and interactive demonstrations, the participants will obtain the required practical knowledge to perform plant phenotyping in their institutes of origin and have a concrete idea about the requirements and management of simple and advanced phenotyping platforms, in case they require developing or purchasing one themselves.

More information and registration can be found HERE.





13. - 19. 9. 2015
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