
Workshop Live cell to model organisms: high speed imaging platform for all

O akci

WHERE: room 117, building A3, University Campus, (Hands On workshop - building A2; room 1.15)
WHEN: September 20, starts at 14:00 (21 - 22 Hands On workshop)


Tuesday, September 20, 2016
14:00 Prof. Mojmír Petráň – Inventor of Spinning Disc technology
15:00 Dragonfly: Alexandr Pospěch (Application Specialist, Andor): High speed imaging of live cells and fixed samples without any compromise*
16:05 Coffee Break
16:25 OptiXs (Petr Kolář, Product Specialist, OptiXs)
16:35 Michael Mahlert, Bitplane: Image visualization and analysis with Imaris*
17:45 Wrap up

*Dragonfly: Bacteria to organoids: an imaging platform for all

The Dragonfly offers you a sharp insight into the world of your specimen by employing a novel multi-point confocal system, optimized for fast, flexible and sensitive scanning. It extends your sample’s longevity and significantly speeds up data acquisition. With three modalities, Confocal, widefield and TIRF, you can explore the in vitro and in vivo biology of many different specimens, selecting the best model organism and modality to suit your needs. Imaging everything from organoids and deep neural structures along the z-dimension to yeast, bacteria and single molecules requires flexibility of imaging mode, magnification and illumination. This level of control preserves specimens and trades speed and longevity in dynamic and large scale imaging tasks. You can find more info about Dragonfly system here.

*Bitplane: Image visualization and analysis with Imaris

The Imaris introduction talk will cover image visualization and image analysis functionality of Imaris. Visualization of 3D Images and time series will be presented in live demo, as well as the following segmentation procedures: Segmentation of surfaces and spot like objects, tracking of moving objects and developing organisms, filament analysis and analysis of cellular relationships and colocalisation.

In the practical part (during Wednesday and Thursday), participants are welcome to bring their own datasets and analyze them with Imaris. Participants should bring their own laptops to get an monthly Imaris license installed that can be used for some weeks also after the workshop.

Wednesday–Thursday, September 21–22
9:00–16:30 Practical Hands-on Workshop; book your time HERE (both workshop parts with Dragonfly and Imaris systems will take approx. 4 hours, capacity is limited)

The capacity has been full.

Workshop registration has been closed. For additional requests please contact



20. - 22. 9. 2016
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